Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Idler, June 24, 2010

Play me

NEW YORKER Luke Jerram used to find it depressing going to the laundrette every Saturday. People were there washing their underwear but not talking to one another.

Maybe it's a hypnotic thing, When you watch the same pair of Y-fronts following the same vest and the same pair of socks past the viewing window again and again and again, you sort of lose interest in your neighbours. You don't want to talk to them about the arts or sport or Barack Obama.

At any rate, the people weren't communicating. What brings people together, Luke asked himself. Why, music, singalongs, that kind of communal thing.

So he hit on the idea of placing pianos on the streets so people could strum and syncopate and get to know one another. He and an organisation called Sing for Hope have placed 60 pianos on street corners around New York, where people can sit down, strike up a melody and get the gang singing.

It's working like a charm, much better than watching your Y-fronts go round and round. What an excellent idea. The Play Me, I'm Yours programme lasts until next month. Why not something similar here?

But pianos, please! Anyone with ideas to stack vuvuzelas on street corners is plain anti-social.





THE SCIENTISTS tell us a single herring can produce more than a million offspring. Heavens! What do the married ones churn out?

Last word

Sanity is a madness put to good use.

George Santayana


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