Sunday, December 8, 2019

Idler, Monday, December 9, 2019

Proteas to

bat on a very

queer pitch

THE Boks win the Rugby World Cup. The Blitzboks win the Dubai Sevens. And with England about to arrive for a cricket tour, Cricket South Africa, the governing body, are in implosion mode.

How did it happen? How was it allowed to happen? How many of those CSA executives actually have a background in cricket?

Given the thunderous background music, can we expect the Proteas to keep their eye on the ball?

The mind, senor, she boggles!



Plastics atrocity

ANOTHER atrocity against the ecosystem by current economic practice - a sperm whale which stranded on the Scottish Isle of Harris died with a 100kg "litter ball" in its stomach.

A whole range of plastics, including netting, bundles of rope, cups, bags, gloves, packing straps and tubing were discovered in the litter ball and seemed to have been there some time, according to the BBC.

This is not just marine pollution. It's also part of a significant contribution to global warming. The scientists are discovering that whales, and other large marine creatures, contribute to producing oxygen, which counters global warming.

By feeding at depth and, er, going to the lavatory at the surface, whales transport vital nutrients to the warm surface waters. That's where phytoplankton use the nutrients to photosynthesise and produce oxygen for us to breathe.

Oceans cover three-quarters of the planet's surface. According to BBC Future: "The survival of three billion people depends on their incredible bounty. And only now are we discovering how the ocean's largest inhabitants are helping to enhance this.

"The whole ocean ecosystem is driven by these plants that grow on the surface – and as phytoplankton produce half of the oxygen that we breathe, we rely on them too."

Yet here we get plastic bags and other plastic rubbish washing into the oceans from every gutter, donga and river, non-biodegradable, there forever, killing whales and other creatures, breaking down into tiny fragments and getting into the food chain.

It couldn't happen with a return to biodegradable paper and cardboard wrappers and containers; a return to glass bottles. Is it beyond the wit of man to return to such a system, which many of us remember only too well? It worked.

Is it not time we devised punishments for polluters and climate change denialists, especially those in government who think they know better than the scientists? Punishments such as an enforced swallowing of litter balls of plastics, including netting, bundles of rope, cups, bags, gloves, packing straps and tubing.

Something is needed to concentrate the minds.



Stunned, overwhelmed …

A TRUCK carrying copies of Roget's Thesaurus overturned on the highway and spilled its load. Bystanders were stunned, overwhelmed, astonished, bewildered and dumbfounded.


HUBBY is busy with home repairs. He needs a hinge. Wifey goes down to the hardware store to get him one.

In the shop she notices a lovely old silver teapot displayed on a shelf. The store owner says it's been there since they took over the place. It's solid silver. He doesn't know its history.

"Is it for sale?"

"Not really."

"What would you want for it?"

"I guess about a thousand bucks."

He goes off to fetch the hinge. He shouts over his shoulder: "You wanta screw for that hinge?"

"No, but I would for the teapot."


Last word

I don't care what is written about me so long as it isn't true. - Dorothy Parker  

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